On a daily basis, we receive hundreds of messages on Facebook and Instagram asking if we fit a particular vehicle, requesting information about sponsorship opportunities and general product questions. A member of our sales team, Cody, was just telling the rest of the team about a challenge he has seen someone issue to Hennessy – […]

By: Air Lift Published: August 31, 2016 Comments: View

On a daily basis, we receive hundreds of messages on Facebook and Instagram asking if we fit a particular vehicle, requesting information about sponsorship opportunities and general product questions.

A member of our sales team, Cody, was just telling the rest of the team about a challenge he has seen someone issue to Hennessy – if he could reach a certain number of shares, comments and post likes he would get some free product.  He had yet to get any sort of response, but that got us thinking. We thought that it would only be a matter of time before someone might come up with a challenge for us and, 18 hours ago, Kizza Chamberlain became the first to do so. He was looking for sponsorship opportunity for his Audi A5 and challenged us to sponsor his build if he got 20,000 likes, 10,000 comments, and 5,000 shares.


A few members of our team circled around reading the messages and we really liked the fact that Kizza was thinking outside of the box. So, we thought, “Alright, alright, let’s really give him a challenge.” We doubled his challenge to 40,000 likes, 20,000 comments and 10,000 shares.


We think he was a little shocked that he actually got a response from us, but our team really keeps a close eye on all of the messages we receive. Helping our customers with any questions or comments they may have is one of our top priorities. After his initial shock, Kizza got right to work and we knew it was going to be an uphill battle.

Within 6 hours, he had crushed the challenge and, as of this morning, he had over 87,000 likes, 50,756 shares and over 34,693 comments. Many members of the team had stayed up just watching the comments section of his post and the more than 5 comments per second he was getting.


We were all really excited to see the car community come together and help Kizza with his challenge, but, of course, there were many skeptics who thought that this couldn’t possibly be real. We can assure you that this is real and, because Kizza really did such an incredible job, we went ahead and stepped him up from an AutoPilot V2 control system to our latest Air Lift Performance 3P, the pressure-sensing-only version of our latest control system.

We can’t wait to see his finished build!


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